Thursday, October 12, 2017


In the Holy Bible, NOT ONE Holy Spirit inspired verse ever had the word “three”  next to God.

The God of the Bible is ONE ENTITY, being, person.  
Moses said, “God is One Lord” Deut. 6:4   Jesus said, “God is One Lord” Mark 12:29

Paul said, “There is none other God but One” 1Cor. 8:4,6   Every other verse in the  Bible agrees with these foundational statements of truth.

As you read this verses please keep in mind what God says regarding Abraham in Ezekiel 33:24  “Abraham was one” and ask yourself if Abraham was three persons or one person.  What is so hard to understand about the word “one”?  you must agree that one is one. 


1.- Hear, O Israel: “The Lord our God is One Lord”  Deut. 6:4
2.- “… did not ONE fashion us in the womb” Job 31:15
3.- “O my GOD… thou Holy One of Israel” Psalm 71:22
4.- “… and tempted GOD and limited the Holy One of Israel” Psalm78:41
5.- “the Holy One of Israel is our King”Psalm 89:18
6.- They have provoked the Holy One of Israel” Isaiah 1:4
7.- The Lord of Hosts, the mighty One of Israel” Isaiah 1:24
8.-  the counsel of the Holy One of Israel “ Isaiah 5:19
9.- the word of the Holy One of Israel” Isaiah 5:24
10.- “the Lord, the Holy One of Israel” Isaiah 10:24
11.- “great is the Holy One of Israel”Isaiah 10:20
12.- respect to the Holy One of Israel”Isaiah 17:7
13.- Rejoice in the Holy One of Israel” Isaiah 29:19
14.- the  Holy One of Jacob… the God of Israel” Isaiah 29:23
15.- “the Holy One of Israel” Isaiah 30:11
16.- thus said The Holy One of Israel” Isaiah 30:12
17.- for thus said The Lord God, the Holy One of Israel”Isaiah 30:15
18.- ..the Mighty One, of Israel   Isaiah 30:29
19.- …they look not unto the Holy One of Israel” Isaiah 31.1
20.- …the Holy One of Israel”  Isaiah 37:23
21.- .. To whom will ye liken me… saith the Holy One” Isaiah 40:25
22.- thy Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel”  Isaiah 41:14
23.- …shalt glory in the Holy One of Israel   Isaiah 41:17
24.-  …the Holy One of Israel hath created it,  Isaiah 41:20
25.- I am the Lord thy God, the Holy One of Israel”  Isaiah 43:3
26.- … your redeemer, the Holy One of Israel  Isaiah 43:14
27.- I am The Lord your Holy One, the creator of Israel, your King Ïsaiah 43:15
28.- …The Lord of Hosts is His Name, the Holy One of Israel      Isaiah 47:4
29.- …the Holy One of Israel; I am the Lord thy God  Isaiah 48:17
30.- …the redeemer of Israel, and his Holy One  Isaiah 49:17
31.- the Lord that is faithful, and the Holy One of Israel
32.- …all flesh shall know that I the Lord am thy Savior and thy Redeemer, the Mighty One of Jacob” Isaiah 49:26
33.- For thy maker… The Holy One of Israel; The God of the whole earth”  Isaiah 54:5   (The Lord  is our maker and our redeemer)

34.- …the Lord thy God and for the Holy One of Israel” Isaiah 55:5
35.-  For thus saith the high and lofty One that inhabiteth eternity  Isaiah 57:15
36.-  …the Lord thy God, and to the Holy One of Israel  Isaiah 60:9
37.- The Zion of the Holy One of Israel   Isaiah 60:14
38.-  Thy redeemer, the mighty One of Jacob   Isaiah 60:16
39.- …against the Holy One of Israel  Jeremiah 50:29
40.-  God, the Lord of Hosts… the Holy One of Israel:  Jeremiah 51:5
41.- … and I heard a voice of One that spoke… “Thus saith The Lord God”  Ezekiel 1:28; 2:4
42.-  …the heathen shall know that I am the Lord, the Holy One of Israel… saith the Lord God” Ezekiel 39:7-8
43.-  I am God and no man; the Holy One… Hosea 11:9
44.-  O Lord my God, mine Holy One… O mighty God…  Habakkuk 1:12
45.-  God came from Teman, and the Holy One from mount Paran… Habakkuk 3:3

46.-  in that day shall there be ONE LORD and his name ONE Zachariah 14:9  ( in the new earth)
47.-  Have we not all ONE father? Hath not ONE God created us… Malachi 2:10    One God created us.

48.-  Why callest thou me good? Hath not ONE GOD created us? Mathew 19:17    One creator

 49.- …one is your father, which is in heaven… one is your master, even Christ”  (habla Jesus)   Mathew 23:9-10     (One God and Master)
50.-  …there is none good but ONE, that is God… Mark 10:18
51.-  The Lord our God is One Lord (Jesus speaking)  Mark 12:29
52.-  …none is good, save One, that is God.  Luke 18:19
53.-  …we have ONE father, even God John 8:41
54.- I honor my father… there is ONE that seeketh and judgeth” (Jesus speaking )  John 8:49-50
55.- Seeing it is ONE GOD which shall justify…  (Romans 3:30
56.-  …there is none other God but One  1 Corinthians 8:6
57.-  Now a mediator is not a mediator of one, but God is One Galatians 3:20    (One God is the mediator)
58.-  ONE GOD and Father of all, who is above all Ephesians 4:6
59.-  For there is ONE GOD, and one mediator between God and men, the       MAN Christ Jesus.  1Timothy 2:5
(….. we know that the divinity of Jesus is the ONE GOD, and God is eternal, can not die,  but he made himself one with human Jesus to become a mediator and a Savior, a Redeemer as we have read before. )  (that is the reason the ONE mediator between God and men is the Man Christ Jesus.
60.-  Thou believest that there is ONE God; thou doest well  James 2:19
61.-  Draw nigh to God…there is ONE Lawgiver, who is able to save and to destroy   (GOD, THE LAW GIVER AND WHO DESTROYS, ARE ONE)
62.- But Ye have an unction from THE HOLY ONE  1Jhon 2:20
(the unction of the Holy Spirit is given by THE HOLY ONE,)
63.- …behold, a throne was set in heaven, and ONE sat on the throne…LORD GOD ALMIGHTY v8 Revelation 4:2


The Hebrew noun for God is Elohim, and because it can have plural connotations, some see in it a plurality of persons in the Deity,  In light of the whole of Scripture, including the sixty-five verses cited, this is doctrinal nonsense.  Elohim is used of the ONE true God some 2300 times in the Bible, and every last time it takes a singular verb!  Of Genesis1:1 “In the beginning God (Elohim) created the heavens and the earth “ the Trinitarian scholars who translated the NIV study Bible, are forced by the facts to say in their text notes: 
“God created.  The Hebrew noun Elohim, is plural, but the verb is singular, a normal usage in the O>T  (old testament) when reference is to the ONE true God.  This use of the plural expresses intensification rather than number and has been called the plural of majesty, or of potentiality. 

The noted Trinitarian Scholar Professor Charles C Ryrie says regarding the noun Elohim “To conclude plurality of persons from the name itself is dubious” (Basic Theology; p. 58) Of course some people will grasp at any straw in an effort to support their mistaken tradition.


There is not one verse of Scripture that says that God is three of anything! Not Three co-equal, co-eternal persons,  One God –Three Persons, or three manifestations of One God, The terms Trinity, Triune, Blessed Trinity, Holy Trinity, God the Son., God the Holy Spirit, are not Biblical terminology.  Their use is a sure ticket to a misunderstanding of who God is, and the seriousness of this error is that is robing our Father of His glory as THE ONE AND ONLY MOST HIGH GOD!,  THE ONLY SAVIOR, THE ONLY REDEEMER.


The shocking answer to that question is… We followed a blind guide,  the pagan philosopher Plato.   It is an indisputable fact of history that Plato was teaching a doctrine of the Trinity in his Academy in Athens, Greece,  375 years before the birth of Jesus  Messiah.  The ancient Greeks even had a city named  Hagia Triada (Holy Trinity).  According to the noted 20th century historian Will Durant, Plato had a weird fascination with triangles  and the numeral three.  Look at the threes” that fascinated him.   He saw three elements in nature,  fire, wind and water.  He saw three things at work in nature, Motion, creation and a soul or principle of life.  The soul or principle of life has three parts,  Desire, will and thought.  Each part has its own virtue (three)  moderation, courage  and wisdom.  Beauty lies in three,  fitness, symmetry and order.  A work of art should have three features,  head, trunk and limbs.  Love is the pursuit of beauty, and has three stages, love of the body, the soul, or of truth.  The soul of a man has three parts, mind, aspirations, and sensations.  An ideal society has three parts,  productive (workers), protective (warriours), and governing(rulers). 
But his three that has permeated Christian doctrine and still troubles the understanding of millions of Christians today is,  his triune view of God!   It consists of   1.-  The Good, or first cause- “God”    2.-  The changeless Ideas, Reason, Wisdom or Mind of God- The “LOGOS”   3.-  A soul or principle- the “Spirit”of all things.
 (The life  of greece; p. 510-518)

TRINITARIAN PROFESSORS R. OLSON AND C. HALL…  Make the following shocking statement in their book Trinity:
“Very early in the history of Theology, reflection began to focus on the immanent Trinity as church fathers became obsessed with Greek ideas…”p. 110 

“We have observed that the specific meta-physical vehicle used to express THE CLASSICAL DOCTRINE OF THE TRINITY as originally formulated was a Greek metaphysics…  While it is customary to assume that the major philosophical influence on the Greek (church) fathers was Plato and the Stoics, Durant  believes the influence of Aristotle should  not be overlooked” p. 211, 259.    (What do these men have to do with Christian doctrine?)

Trinitarian professor Shirley C. Guthrie, Jr. writes in his book Christian Doctrine:    
“The Bible does not teach the doctrine of the Trinity.  The language of the doctrine is the language of the ancient church, taken from classical Greek philosophy” p. 76-77

The educated apostle Paul knew how insidious this Greek philosophy is and warned against it strongly in Colossians 2:8
Beware lest any man spoi9l you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ”  Note:  Philosophy is Greek philosophy, Greek  in origin, and Plato is its father.  As Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “Plato is philosophy, and philosophy,  Plato”

Paul also knew that  after his departure the church would be devastated by false teaching.  He gave the following serious warning to the elders of the church At Ephesus (and us),
“For I know this, that after my departing shall grievous wolves enter in among you, not sparing the flock.  Also of your own selves shall men arise, speaking perverse things, to draw away disciples after them.  Therefore, watch and remember, that by the space of three years I ceased not to warn every one night and day with tears” Acts. 20:29-31

And regrettable it did happen!  After the death of Paul and the other Apostles, men began to be “converted” who history plainly says where followers of Plato and who became “Christian philosophers” 
The list includes: 
Justin Martyr (110-165 AD) 
Clement of Alexandria (150-215 AD)
Origen (185-254 AD)
Athanasius (297-373 AD)
Augustine ( 354-430 AD)
They brought with them their Platonic concept of a triune God and began to “sprinkle nuggets of Trinitarian ore” in their writings,  “that will later be mined and purified” (Olson and Hall; The Trinity:  p 17)

The Enciclopedia Britannica says of this Platonic influence:
“From the middle of the 2nd. Century AD. Christians who had some training in Greek Philosophy began to feel the need to express their faith in its terms…   The philosophy that suited them best was Platonism.   The first Christian to use Greek philosophy in the service of the Christian faith was Justin Martyr.  Each of the great Christian Platonist understood Platonism and applied it to the understanding of his faith in his own individual way.  But the CHRISTIAN PLATONISM that had the widest, deepest, and most lasting influence in the West was that of St. Augustine of Hippo.   In his theology, insofar as Augustine’s thought about God was Platonic,  he conformed fairly closely to the general pattern of Christian Platonism.   Perhaps the most distinctive influence of Plotinian  Neo-Platonism on Augustine’s thinking about God was in his Trinitarian Theology . Because he thought that something like the Christian doctrine of the Trinity was to be found in Plotinus and Porphyry (two pagan thinkers-followers of Plato) , he tended to regard it as a philosophical doctrine and tried to make philosophical sense of it… 
Britannica-Macropaedia; Vol. 25; p 903-904


In 325 AD The Roman Emperor Constantine convened the Council of Nicea to Settle a very heated dispute between the bishops of two cities, Alexandria  and Antioch, regarding the relationship between Jesus Christ and God the Father.  This dispute was troubling his empire and he desperately needed to resolve it.

After thirty days of debate,  Constantine arose from the gold chair on which he had presided over the meetings and gave a lengthy speech, just before the issue was decided by majority vote.  The speech was recorded by Eusebius, “the father of church history”   Shockingly, in this gathering that was  about to decide for Christianity for the next 1700 years the all important question, “Who is Jesus Christ”?  The emperor did not quote  one Bible verse; not one word from Peter, Paul, John, James, Jude or Jesus himself.  Who did he quote?  PLATO!  Yes  The homosexual, pagan, Greek philosopher, Plato!   He called Plato “The gentlest and most refined of all” and credited him with teaching us the doctrine of the Second God…  distinguishing them numerically as Two… and te being of the second deity proceeding from the first.
“He says,  “Plato’s sentiments where sound” and  “a doctrine not merely to be admired, but profitable too” He went on to quote the demon inspired priestess who spoke as an oracle at the temple of Apollo at Erythrea,  the demon oracle at Cuma,  and the Romans Cicero and Virgil.  (The Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers;  Vol. 1 p. 566-576)

It was in this atmosphere that the 300 bishops voted that Jesus is God just as the Father is “of one substance with the Father”  Thus Christianity arrived at a doctrine of God consisting of two persons.


As late as the year 350 AD there was still no Christian doctrine of the Trinity on this planet.  However, fifty six years after Nicea, in 381 AD  the emperor Theodosius called the Council at Constantinople to try and settle the continuing quarrel regarding the personhood of God.    Three bishops from the province of Cappadocia in Asia Minor, also followers of Plato, had supposedly figured it out, there is one God whe exists as Three Persons.  They came to be called  “The three Cappadocians” and one, Gregory of Nazianzus presided over the Council.    After much bitter wrangling the views of the three Cappadocians won out, and this council of 186 bishops adopted the “Creed of Constantinople” It states in part:  
“We believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life, wo proceeds from the Father and the Son  With the Father and the Son he is worshiped and glorified”  Encyclopedia Americana; vol 20; p 310
Thus for the first time in history, Christianity had a doctrine of “Three persons in one God” “the Trinity”  The doctrine of Plato had prevailed! 

According to Jesus, Peter, and Paul, Luke, John, The Holy Spirit is not a third person of God, but rather the Spirit of the Father, and the Spirit of Christ as well…   Matt 10:20, Mark 13:11, John 15:26, Luke 4:18, Luke 24:49, Isa. 61:1, Acts, 2:17, 33; Rom.  8:11, Eph. 3:14-16

NOTE…(we understand is only One Holy Spirit), it bring us to the truth that God the Father and Jesus  are  ONE Person.  Yes,  it makes us feel ignorant about the conception of Christ, in human terms, or understanding,  but since we know that Jesus Christ   was 100 human and in Him abided the fullness of the Deity according to Colosenses 2:9-10 , and the Holy Spirit is not an individual person,  we can understand that God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself. Physically,    As our other studies have shown.  Christ is our God because  He choose to present Himself to us  as The Christ, Jesus,  The savior,  Emanuel,  God with us. While He was in this earth he was the son of God, because He presented himself as his only begotten son
But as He said to Phillip, whom has seeing Him has seen The Father… we must remember that  “God was in Christ”  or in our words,  the two natures of Christ.  Divine and Human. 

Continuing with the History about the Trinity.  Consider the following quotes:

Trinitarian Scholar Charles C Ryrie:
In the second half of the fourth century, three theologians from the province of Cappadocia in eastern Asia Minor gave definitive shape to the doctrine of the Trinity”  (Basic Theology;  p. 65)

Trinitarian Baptist professor Millard J. Erickson:
“What athanasius did was to extend his teaching about the Word to the Spirit, so that God exists eternally as a Triad sharing one identical and indivisible substance.  The Cappadocians- Basil, Gregory of Nazianzus,  and Gregory of Nyssa-  developed the doctrine of the Spirit, and thus of the Trinity, further”
 (God in Three Persons p. 90)
Harper-Collins Encyclopedia of Catholicism:
“Trinitarian doctrine as such emerged in the fourth century, due largely to the efforts of Athanasius and the CappadociansThe doctrine of the Trinity formulated in the late fourth century thus affirms that the one God exists as three persons” P. 1271

Collier’s Encyclopedia:
“Of the many who wrote on theology…  Basil of Caesaerea ( fourth century) who, with his brother,  Gregory of Nyssa, and their friend, Gregory of Nazianzus, fixed de orthodox formulation of the doctrine of the Trinity” (vol 9, pl 41-42)

Encyclopedia Britannica:
The Greek philosophical theology that developed during the Trinitarian controversies over the relationships among the persons of the Godhead, which were settled at the ecumenical councils of Nicea (325) and Constantinople (381)  owed a great deal to Origen on both sides, orthodox and heretical.  Its most important representatives on the orthodox side were the three Christian Platonist  (i.e. followers of Plato)  theologians of Cappadocia, Basil of Caesaerea, Gregory of Nazianzus, and Basil’s brother Gregory of Nyssa”
( Macropaedia vol 25, p. 903 )

Nineteenth century Adolph Harnack:
“The Cappadocians were still relatively independent theologians, worthy disciples and admirers of Origen, using new forms to make the faith of  Athanasius, intelligible to contemporary thought, and thus establishing them.  Though with modifications” (History of Dogma; vol 3 p. 151). 
Gregory (of Nyssa) was able to demonstrate the application of the incarnation more definitely than Athanasius could… But he does so by the aid of a thoroughly Platonic idea chich is only slightly suggested in Athanasius, and is not really covered by Biblical reference
(Vol 3; p 297)

Collier’s Encyclopedia:

During the 4th centurythe content of Christian dogma was developed… by the very able men who have come to be known as the Fathers of the Church.  Living in the eastern part of the Roman Empire, and writing in Greek, were St. Basil of Caesarea, ST. Gregory of Nyssa, and St. Gregory of Nazianzus.  These men continued the speculative and Platonist tendencies of Clement and Origen. (Vol. 15; p. 318 )

Note…  The fathers of what Church?    The Catholic church!

The Encyclopedia Britannica sums it up well:
‘Although Athanasius prepared the ground, constructive agreement on the central doctrine of the Trinity was not reached in his lifetime (297-373) AD.  The decisive contribution to the Trinitarian argument was made by a remarkable group of philosophically minded theologians from Cappadocia-  Basil of Caesarea, his younger  brother Gregory of Nyssa, and his lifelong friend Gregory of Nazianzus.  So far as Trinitarian dogma is concerned,  the Cappadocian succeeded…  in formulating a conception of God as three persons in one essence that eventually proved generally acceptable” ( Macropaedia; vol 16; p. 319)
Note….  Athanasius died in 373 AD but “agreement on the central doctrine of the Trinity was not reached in his lifetime” Wow!

The above statement is shocking since the great majority of Christians today believe in the non biblical doctrine of the Trinity.  Again:  “So far as Trinitarian dogma is concerned, the Cappadocians succeeded… in formulating a conception of God as three persons in one essence  that eventually proved generaly acceptable (at Constantinople in 381 AD)


Author Lee Strobel in his book, The Case for Christ, interviewed Bruce M. Metzger, PH>D>, an 84 year old authority on the authenticity of the NT.  Who authored or edited fifty books relating to the subject.  He puts the “grand total of (early) Greek manuscripts at 5,664” Metzger tells Strobel that if someone challenges the authenticity of 1 John 5:7  “For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word and the Holy Ghost;  and these three are one,” saying  that’s not in the earliest manuscripts, “ His answer would be  “ AND THAT’S TRUE ENOUGH.  I think that these words are found in only about seven or eight copies (manuscripts) all from the fifteenth or sixteenth century.   I ACKNOWLEDGE THAT IS NOT WHAT THE AUTHOR OF 1 John was inspired to write. “ Strobel and Metzger are both trinitarian in belief, but they have cast doubt on one of the main scriptures Trinitarians use to support their doctrine. 

The NIV quotes in its text notes the words  “The Father, the Word and the Holy Spirit, and these three are one.  And there are three that testify on earth”  and then explains why they are not included in the text of the text  NIV.   They say, “the addition is not found in any Greek manuscript or N>T> translation prior to the 16th century”  These words are also not found in the New Revised standard version,  the New American Standard Bible, the English  Standard version, the Holman Christian Standard Bible, or the New Living Translation.

Respected Trinitarian Biblical Scholar professor Charles C Ryrie agrees.  Writing in his well known work, Basic Theology, he states:
“The NT. Contains no explicit statement of the doctrine of the Triunity of God (Since these three are one”in 1 John 5:7 is apparently not a part of the genuine text of Scripture”

Trinitarian Millard J. Erickson (Southern Baptist)  in his book God in Three Persons, says that some oppose the doctrine of the Trinity because of:
… The apparent silence of the Bible on this important subject.  This contention notes that there really is not explicit statement of the doctrine of the Trinity in the bible, particularly since the revelation by textual criticism of the spurious nature of  1John 5:7 .  Other passages have been seen  on closer study to be applicable only under the greatest strain”

The New Bible Commentary says regarding   1John 5:7
“ The whole of verse 7 of the Authorized Version is omitted in the Revised Version because it was not written by John”

Explanation of 1 John 5:7, using the Bible as its own interpreter.
1 John 5:7 “For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one.”
Although this verse of Scripture is often used by those who believe in three persons of God, it actually refutes this view, for it says that “these three are one.”
Some interpret this phrase to mean one in unity as a man and wife are one. But it should be pointed out that this view is essentially polytheistic.
If the word one referred to unity instead of a numerical designation, then the Godhead can be viewed as many gods in a united council or government. I unity were meant, the verse should have read, “These three agree as one.”
It is also interesting to note that this verse does not use the word Son, but Word.  If Son were the special name of a separate person in the Godhead, and if this verse were trying to teach separate persons, why did it use Word instead of Son?
Son does not refer does not refer primarily to deity, but Word does. The Word is not a separate person from the Father and more than a man and his word are separate persons.
Rather, the Word is the thought or plan in the mind of God and also the expression of God.
In a similar way, the Holy Ghost or Holy Spirit is not a separate person from the Father any more than a man and his spirit are separate persons.
Holy Spirit just describes what God is. 1 John 5:7 says that three bear record in heaven; that is, God has recorded Himself in three modes of activity or has revealed Himself in three ways. He has at least three heavenly roles: Father, Word (not Son), and Holy Ghost.
Furthermore, these three roles describe one God “these three are one.”

1 John 5:7 in a way that is consistent with the rest of Scripture. However, there is practically unanimous agreement among bible scholars that this verse is really not part of the Bible at all! All major translations since the King James Version have omitted it, including the Revised Standard Version, the Amplified Bible, and the New International Version. So does the generally accepted Greek text (Nestlé’s text). The NIV renders 1 John 5:7, 8 as, “For there are three that testify: The Spirit, the water and the blood; and these three are in agreement.”

The KJV included verse 7 only because the 1522 edition of the Greek text compiled by Erasmus included it. Originally Erasmus had excluded this passage from his editions of 1516 and 1519 because it was not in any of 5000 Greek manuscripts but only in late manuscripts of the Vulgate//the Latin version then used by the Roman Catholic Church.

When the Catholic Church put pressure on Erasmus to include this verse, he promised to do so if they could find even one Greek manuscript that had it. They finally produced one, so Erasmus reluctantly added the verse in, even though the manuscript so produced dated from 1520. (See Norman Geisler and William Nix, A General Introduction to the Bible, Chicago; Moody Press, 1968, p. 370.)

From this evidence, it seems plausible that some overzealous copyist saw “there are three that testify” and decided to insert a little teaching of his own. Certainly, the passage in question is completely unrelated to the rest of John’s discussion here and interrupts the flow of his logical argument.

Note: Although all the evidence this passage was not originally a part of 1 John, God had His hand of protection and preservation on His Word. Despite the efforts of man, God did not allow the passage to contradict His Word. Whether a person believes that 1 John 5:7 was originally part of the Bible or that it was a later interpolation, it does not teach three persons of God but rather reaffirms the Bible teaching of one indivisible God .

One question in closing:   Who would have had the audacity to commit such an act of forgery?  I say this with compassion for a fellow human being, but I know that he will be condemned at Jesus coming  for inserting uninspired words into God’s Bible.   Revelations 22:18-19  Please do not follow them…

I would choose to describe God as;

 One indivisible Holy God, that presented Himself to his people and to us in the person of Jesus, and comes to us in Spirit. 

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